sábado, 11 de febrero de 2012


Taller Final

TEXTO: Currently we are experiencing a revolution in digital character, in which the bits have been able to transform and complement the world of atoms. It went from analog to digital Internet became the space in which different technologies converge able to integrate audio, video, image, text and interactivity, which additionally can be exchanged between people who have a computer.
As the Internet is accepted by more people, organizations and businesses, also increase and improve opportunities for meeting, interaction and information exchange. Growing the fascination with the medium, but feeling afraid for the scope you can get to be in the future. In this environment and its consequences is that it moves the modern man, unable to establish a long-term romantic relationships, which used a masked identity in a chat get to know another person in the same condition, ready to enter a virtual relationship.

   3 palabras que no conoces y significado de diccionario:
Additionally (además)
Meeting (reunión)
Feeling (sentimiento)

2.- Idea principal del texto:
En la actualidad se está viviendo una revolución de carácter digital, en la que los bits han podido transformar y complementar el mundo de los átomos.

3.- Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)

Palabras de contenido:
Transform, integrate
Palabras de Función: In addition, interactivity
Sustantivos: Internet, computer
Verbos: are, Step, it is
Artículo: in, the
To measure that,
Conjunción: only
Cognados verdaderos:
revolution, character
Cognados Falsos: exchange (intercambio, para mí chance), another (otro, para mí anotar)
Sufijo: utilize, condition
transform, interchange

B. Estructura de la oracion:

Currently we are experiencing a revolution in digital character, in which the bits have been able to transform and complement the world of atoms.

Frase nominal: Currently we 
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Currently

Pre modificadores:
Post modificadores: we

Frase verbal: are experiencing a revolution in digital character, in which the bits have been able to transform and complement the world of atoms.

Nucleo de la frase verbal: are
Tiempo verbal: presente simple

As the Internet is accepted by more people, organizations and businesses.

Frase nominal:  As the Internet
Nucleo de la frase nominal: Internet

Pre modificadores: As the
Post modificadores:

Frase verbal: is accepted by more people, organizations and businesses.

Nucleo de la frase verbal: is
Tiempo verbal: presente simple

2. Señales algunos referentes presentes en su texto

Wich: referente al hombre moderno
Who : referente a personas

Unidad VI: Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo. (TAREA, VIERNES 10- 02- 2012)

Text: Technology Literacy

At present the social, economic and cultural surrounds the human being evolves from miserably. The information technology revolution has caused a radical transformation of the forms of production, distribution and consumption of knowledge and culture. The emergence of new technologies such as: Digital television and pay, the introduction of PCs in homes, Internet access (global information network), mobile telephony are creating new demands for skills and knowledge on citizens. It is clear that people today, require new skills and knowledge to develop in the contemporary world.
Millan (2003) mentions that there has been much emphasis on conventional literacy in schools, but today you get to know that there are multiple literacies. We know that the concept of literacy refers to the fact of literacy, but literacy is the technology to “read and write,” but with the computer, as well as understand and use information to support learning, personal productivity, the decision making and daily life.
In other words, technological literacy is to develop knowledge and skills and cognitive instrumental both in relation to the information given through new technologies (software to manage, find information, send and receive emails, use the various WWW services etc. .) as well as creating and developing values ​​and attitudes of social and political nature in relation to technologies.

Técnicas de lectura: predicción, scanning y skimming
  • De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
  • La imagen expresa lo que sugiere el título: Alfabetismo Tecnológico, hay que buscar el tiempo para aprender el uso de las nuevas herramientas tecnológicas que están presentes como auge de crecimiento social.
Luego lea el texto
  • ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
La revolución de la tecnología de la información ha provocado una transformación radical de las formas de producción, distribución y consumo de conocimiento y la cultura.
  • ¿Que palabras se repiten?
Technology, information,
  • ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Digital, television, decision
  • ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
            Technology Literacy
  • ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Sobre alfabetización tecnológica, que gracias a esta innovadora tecnología la humanidad avanza a un crecimiento gigantesco en las redes para su cocimiento de otras culturas.

Marcadores de discursos: such as, mentions that, In other words

B.- Marcadores de tiempo y orden

Biografia:  Lawrence Lessig

He was born on June 3, 1961 in South Dakota, USA. Law degree from the University of Pennsylvania, with postgraduate studies at the universities of Cambridge and Yale (philosophy, economics and administration). Now a professor at the Faculty of Law, Stanford University and founder of the Stanford Center for Internet and Society at the same university. Academic specializing in copyright issues on the Internet and information society, is considered one of the pioneers of digital culture. He has been visiting professor at many universities around the world and has published numerous articles on the subject, including those with widely recognized his columns in Wired magazine. Lawrence Lessig is chairman and founder of the international organization Creative Commons. He is a member of the boards of the Public Library of Science, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Public Knowledge. He won the prize of the Free Software Foundation for his work on free software, including twice between "e.biz 25" BusinessWeek, and was named one of the "fifty visionaries" from Scientific American.

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