Ejercicio 1 y 2 (Unidad I y II)
An interesting aspect of education, one that our teachers should pay special attention to in their classes, is communicating important human values that are being neglected and ignored in favor of an education designed exclusively as a tool to find employment in today’s market. While finding a job is important, it’s also necessary to teach students human values, tolerance, independent and critical thought, in addition to the intellectual and academic training they receive throughout their education.
We simply cannot separate this part of the educational process from the rest when this particular element is what completes a student’s knowledge with useful values for society and the individual. In recent years, education has been misconstrued as a mere tool to achieve better social status, work goals, or greater economic benefits. This has been at least partially responsible for high dropout and academic failure rates, especially among Hispanics. We need to prioritize the human education of the whole person as a value in and of itself; math and history aside, the most important thing students can learn through their education is to think for themselves. This is what will make education the transmission of knowledge and humanity again.
Palabras Desconocidas:
1. Neglected: desatendido (tr. V) (n) Palabra de Contenido
2. Market: mercado (n) Palabra de Contenido
3. Useful: tener un uso beneficioso (adj) Palabra de Contenido
Algunas palabras de Función: of, that, to, in, a.
Categorías Lexicales:
1. Sustantivos: teacher, students.
2. Adjetivos: social, human.
3. Adverbios: exclusively, simply.
4. Verbos: find, teach.
5. Conjuciones: and, that.
6. Preposiciones: in, for.
7. Artículos: the, a.
8. Prefijos: exclusively, misconstrued.
9. Sufijos: employment, useful
10. Cognados falsos: achieve, lograr
11. Cognados verdaderos: education, human.
El texto se trata principalmente sobre los valores humanos dentro de la educación, estos no deben ser olvidados y por ende debe incluirse en el quehacer educativo, ya que en los últimos tiempos la educación es vista como una herramienta de trabajo que permite obtener mejor status social y económico, dejando a un lado el crecimiento humano y espiritual.
Elementos referenciales:
this: se refiere a los valores humanos
what: denota a los valores humanos
Oración 1: We need to prioritize the human education of the whole person as a value in and of itself
Frase Nominal: we need to
Núcleo de la F.N.: we
Postmodificadores: need to
Frase verbal: prioritize the human education of the whole person as a value in and of itself
Núcleo de la F.V.: prioritize
Tiempo verbal: presente simple.
Oración 2: In an educational process focused on humanity, the mastery of technical tools, computers, and new technologies, are only a means to an end.
Frase Nominal: In an educational proces
Núcleo de la F.N.: proces
Frase verbal: focused on humanity, the mastery of technical tools, computers, and new technologies, are only a means to an end.
Núcleo de la F.V.: focused
Tiempo verbal: pasado simple
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